Wednesday, May 6, 2020

International Students Impact Educational -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Questions: What Are The Impacts Of Exploitation On The Educational Experience Of The International Students? What Types Of Exploitation Are Faced By The International Students In The Australian Economy? What Are The Major Reasons For Such Types Of Exploitation And How Does The Exploitation Impacts The Quality Of Education In Australia? What Sort Of Adverse Mindset Can Be Seen Among The International Students In Australia That Occurs Due To Exploitation And How Does It Impact The Revenue Earned From Foreign Student In The Economy? What Sort Of Regulatory Frameworks Are Present In The Australian Economy To Safeguard The Rights Of The International Students? What Sorts Of Changes Are Required In The Regulatory Frameworks To Mitigate The Issues Of The Exploitation Of International Students In Australia? Answers: Introduction In the time of globalisation, education has become one of the most convenient industries that have been majorly supported the economy of leading countries. In case of the Australian economy, the same thing can be noticed as well. By exploiting the foreign students, the education industry in the country has registered substantial growth. In this particular research proposal, the study has been concentrated on how the exploitation of international students in Australia has impacted the education sector of the nation (Leith, 2012). In the major discussion, the problem statement on the topic has been established to make it easy for the readers to evaluate the core issue associated with the study. Furthermore, the proposal includes the aim of the research, questions and objective of the study, valid justification of research, conceptual theories, and review of the literature. In addition, the methodology to conduct the entire research study, study design, theoretical consideration, analys is, budget, and schedule of the research project have been presented as well. Problem Statement In the current scenario, exploitation of foreign students in the job sector of Australia has become a considerable issue. The study research has been developed to identify the degree of the issue of exploitation of foreign students and the impact of the same on the educational experience in the country (Haussen Uebelmesser, 2015). Previous study researches can be demonstrated to show that foreign students are reportedly misused in the casual job sectors mainly in the hospitality and cleaning industry (Murrmann Vest, 2010). Influenced by the existing benefits, Australian employers can be seemed to hire students as cheap labour in different casual jobs in different sectors. Precisely, hiring the international students in casual jobs has become a systematic issue in the economy affecting the overall educational experience of the foreign students in the country (Farmer Tucker, 2008). In the meanwhile, the employers in Australia have tried to misuse the visa condition of the foreign students that can be one of the most comprehensive causes of such exploitation. Also, the personal attributes of the foreign students, lack of the knowledge of the workplace rights, and other similar issues have forced the international students to be misused under the current circumstances (Worland Wilson, 2008). It can be defined as the leading problem for the research. Research Aim The entire study has been dedicated to finding out the evidence of exploitation of foreign students in Australian job sector. Meanwhile, the research proposal has been aimed to evaluate how the exploitation of the foreign students in Australia has affected the educational experience. Through the review of previous literature, the research is further aimed to verify the reasons why exploitation of international students has made an adverse impact on the educational experience (Braekkan Sowa, 2015). The study will also reveal how such problems are affecting the quality of education and standard of living of the foreign students pursuing education on Australia. Justification of the Research In the existing scenario, the issue of workplace exploitation of foreign students seeking higher education in the country has been identified as one of the serious challenges. Based on the problem statement, the study will investigate the reasons that have led to such issues. Furthermore, the research study will be also important to collect evidence that shows the current state of scenario of the foreign students working in the hospitality and cleaning sector in the country. From the theoretical point of view, the study will reveal the elements that are continuously influencing the unscrupulous and unethical employers to exploit the international students in the workplace. Precisely, the study will also find out how the overall scenario will make an adverse impact on the mindset of the students seeking education or perhaps thinking of pursuing study in Australia (Janchai, 2013). The research study is also helpful to demonstrate how the education experience of the foreign students has been affected by such exploitation that must be condemned at the highest priority. Apart from the same, the research will evaluate what is the role of the Australian government to restrict such exploitation on the international students. Overall, the battle of the foreign students against exploitation should be considered as a serious research topic so that the issue can be resolved as early as possible. Potential Output The outputs of the study will provide an analytical framework that can be used to evaluate the impact of exploitation of international student in Australia on their educational experiences. Furthermore, the research will help to analyse the major factors leading to such exploitation of international students in Australia and develop necessary policies to overcome the issues (Hasegawa, 2015). Moreover, the research will help to analyse the legal frameworks that protects the rights of the foreign students in Australia and identify the gaps that leads to exploitation of the students. Alternatively, the study will present the different types of exploitations that are faced by the international students in the Australian market and their impacts on the educational outcomes and mindset of the scholars (Reinig, Horowitz Whittenburg, 2011). Finally, the research will present ideas to mitigate the issues of international student exploitation and promote the business of education industry of Australia. Conceptual Framework Theories Education sector in Australia can be defined as one of the major contributing industries of the nation. Under the current circumstances of exploitation of foreign students in different industries can be a leading issue for the economy if the situation cannot be controlled as soon as possible (Kretz Partlow, 2011). From the theoretical point of view, being one of the education hubs for the international students residing in Asian counties and South-East Asia, international students can be counted as one of the best revenue resources for Australia (Marginson, 2015). Furthermore, Australia is the first choice for the Saudi students to study abroad due to its pleasant location and good political relationship with the country (Daifullah Alsulami, 2016). As per the media release of the (2016), the international education has generated around $20.3 billion for Australia in 2014-15, which makes the industry the third largest exporting industry of the nation afte r iron ore and coal ("International education generates a record $20.3 billion for Australia", 2017). According to the economists, as cases of foreign student exploitation are surging in Australia, the quality of education as well as the experience of the international students in Australia may hit badly. In the existing scenario, foreign students may show their reluctance to visit Australia for seeking higher education (Wang Tsai, 2014). As a result of the outcome, the economy of Australia may suffer significant loss of GDP. According to OConnor Bodicoat (2016), there are different types of student exploitation that takes place in the Australian economy. Firstly, the workplace exploitation that occurs due to discrimination of wages and payment of salary to the international students below the minimum wage rate. Additionally, the dark skin students are highly abused by the white skin people that have become a major issue for the foreign students in Australia (OConnor Bodicoat, 2016). Furthermore, the international students are provided with lower level jobs and poor payment, which is become the minimum wage rate of the nation. Several cases of physical harm and mental tortures have been filed in the recent years that negatively impact the mindset of the international students in Australia (OConnor Bodicoat, 2016). The major reason for such exploitation is the high level of discrimination, mentality of economic profitability above ethics and poor regulatory framework of the Australian government (Olsen, Burgess Sharma, 2015). A diagram has been presented below to show the current status of the education industry, the types of international student exploitation that occurs in Australia, several reasons and factors leading to such exploitation, and the impact of exploitation over the education service and morale of the students. Figure: Conceptual Framework International Student Exploitation in Australia Literature Review Evidence In the current scenario, the workplace exploitation of foreign students in Australia has become a considerable problem. In the recent times, unscrupulous employers in Australia are continuously misusing the international students in the hospitality and cleaning industry. By identifying the visa condition of the foreign students, employers in Australia are hiring foreign students as employees providing a wage rate of as minimum as $5 (Kainth, 2016). Probably, the employers are misusing the visa condition for the international students that allow a foreign student to work 20 hours a week in Australia. Meanwhile, most of the students have to work part-time to support their education in Australia (Li Whitworth, 2016). By observing the vulnerability, employers are taking advantage of the same to hire low cost employees in the form of foreign students seeking education in Australia. In Australia, the minimum hourly wage rate is $16 (Liamputtong, 2011). However, a recent union survey condu cted including 200 foreign students has revealed the bitter truth of the exploitation of international students in Australia (Mak, 2011). According to the outcome of the survey, 25 percent of the students have reportedly received $10 per hour whereas as much as 60 percent of the students have earned below the minimum wage rate in their respective workplaces (Arnott, 2013). Another study conducted by Dr Mark Zirnsak has revealed that most of the international students working in hospitality and cleaning sectors are neither given appropriate wage or pay slip by the employers (Arnott, 2013). At the same point of time, students are repeatedly abused by the employers on a regular basis affecting the morale and confidence of the students. On the other hand, Asian students coming from China, India, and Vietnam have been treated differently by the employers working with other staff members (Hawthorne, 2013). Precisely, such discrimination and humiliation have developed a poor picture in front of the foreign students seeking education in Australia. The impact of the issue can be massive in the upcoming future. Evidently, such devastating outcome can limit the number of students coming to Australia to complete their degree courses (Tham, 2015). According to the economists, the issue may have led to decrease in foreign students in Australia in near future. Due to poor regulatory challenges and workplace tribunals, workplace exploitation involving foreign students are rising day by day in Australia affecting the quality of education and trust on the administrative (Lambert, 2017). Clearly, sub-standard wage system, workplace discrimination, and unfair treatment by the employers have been the major form of foreign students exploitation seeking higher education in the country. Methodology The methodology of the research presents the blueprint of the paper that is used to collect data, conduct analysis and present the findings of the study. The methodology section presents the overall procedure of the research that will be applied while conducting the research on the chosen topic. Theory Firstly, the literature currently available in the chosen field of study will be analysed and an in-depth evaluation of the relevant literature will be conducted to observe the issues in the Australian Education System. Information will be collected from various sources including Google scholar, journal articles, websites, newspaper articles and printed books (Bryman Bell, 2011). A thematic content evaluation of these literatures will be undertaken to examine the extent to which the educational experiences of the foreign students are impacted through exploitation in Australia. Study Design The design of the study explains the procedure of the research that will be applied while conducting the data collection and analysis. The research will be conducted on the basis of two different research design types. Firstly, review technique will be used in order to conduct a systematic literature review. The literatures from previous authors will be thematically evaluated in order to answer the research questions and meet the objective of the study (Bryman Bell, 2011). Secondly, a descriptive research design has been chosen to conduct a survey and present the findings of the research in the form of a case study (Quinlan, 2015). For instance, primary data will be collected and specific examples from the industry will be presented in order to support the findings of the research. Data Collection The collection of the data is one of the time consuming and complicated task of the research. In this paper, both the primary as well as secondary data collection methods will be used to collect data for the analysis (Abrams, 2016). The primary data will be collected from the primary sources using online survey and set of questionnaires related to how the students feel about exploitation and how its impacts their educational experiences in Australia. Additionally, interviews of five professors will be conducted in order to observe their views regarding exploitations of international students and how these exploitations impact their academic performance. Finally, secondary data will be collected in order to conduct the literature review and backup the findings of the research through the analysis of primary data. The secondary data will be collected from different sources relevant to the topic such as books, journal articles, newspaper articles, government reports, University reports available online or through printed media. Analysis The analysis will be conducted using two different techniques namely qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis will be conducted to discuss the research topic and answer the research questions through the data collected from primary interview of the professors (Quinlan, 2015). Additionally, the secondary data and information will be presented to backup the qualitative analysis. Secondly, the quantitative analysis will be conducted by using descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, and standard deviation) and hypothesis testing to find out whether the data supports the hypothesis or rejects it (Quinlan, 2015). Moreover, regression analysis will be conducted to know by what extent does the exploitation of international students may impact their educational experiences. Presentation of Results The research will be presented as a mixture of the above methodologies in order to achieve the right solution for the problem that has been identified in the problem statement. The in-depth understanding of the critical review of the literature and responses of the participants obtained through interviews and surveys will be arranged first (Gammon Morgan-Samuel, 2015). The analysis will be conducted on the basis of the analysis techniques presented above and the findings of the analysis will be presented in the form of tables, graphs, charts and written discussion (Abrams, 2016). A descriptive analysis will be conducted in order to support the findings of the research and answer the research questions thematically. Organisation of the Study The structure of the research has been presented herein below: Chapter 1: Introduction The introduction chapter will present the background, aim, objective, research questions, hypothesis statements, scope and significance of the research. Chapter 2: Literature Review The literature review chapter will present the critical review of the cases of exploitation of international students in Australia. Additionally, the chapter will present the background of the education industry and economic prospects of the sector in the last 5 years. Chapter 3: Methodology The third chapter will present the research designs, primary and secondary data collection techniques, data analysis techniques, and the methods of presentation of the findings in the research. Chapter 4: Analysis and Findings The fourth chapter will analyse the data collected through primary techniques such as surveys and interviews. Additionally, it will present the findings of the primary research through tables, graphs and charts. Chapter 5: Discussion A descriptive argument will be presented in this chapter to discuss the impact of exploitation of international students on their educational experiences. Chapter 6: Recommendations and Conclusion Recommendations and summary of the study will be presented in the final chapter. Project Budget It is assumed that the project will require around $3,500 to be completed. The breakdown of the research costs have been presented herein below: Literature Review: In order to undertake the literature review, there is a need of textbooks, online resources and journal articles that are not always free of cost. Hence, the literature review will require around $1000 for purchasing the secondary data resources. Data Collection (Primary): The primary data needs to be collected by using questionnaires and surveys that include printing costs, travelling costs and mailing and posting costs. Additionally, the online survey will be conducted using emails and other online platforms that will require internet costs. Hence, the data collection process will require around $1500. Data Analysis: Finally, in order to analyse the data using quantitative method, SPSS is required which needs to be bought from the market. Additionally, to access tables, charts and government data some amount of money needs to be spent. Hence, it is estimated that the data analysis process will cost around $1000. The forecasted budget of the research has been presented in the table herein below: Forecasted budget for research Particulars Amount to be spent Literature Review $ 1,000.00 Data Collection $ 1,500.00 Data Analysis $ 1,000.00 Total $ 3,500.00 Project Schedule It is estimated that the project will require around 12 weeks to be completed. As per the projection, the research will start on XXXXXX and end on XXXXXX. A Gantt chart has been given herein below to present the schedule of the research: Gantt chart Activities Duration Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Topic of the research 1 week Resource Planning 1 week Development of research proposal 2 weeks Approval of the research proposal 1 week Collection of secondary data 2 weeks Literature Review 2 weeks Collection of primary data 4 weeks Data Analysis 2 weeks Discussion findings 2 weeks Submission of final report 1 week Conclusion By considering the above proposal, it can be seen that the exploitation of international students through workplace discrimination and abuse has become a major issue for the education industry of Australia. Furthermore, the education industry is one of the top three contributors of the Australian GDP and the maximum portion of the revenue comes from international students. 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